Circularity Readiness Check
The successful transition to sustainable business practices requires the participation and commitment of the entire workforce.
The Circularity Readiness Check (CRC) enables you to set the course for a successful sustainability shift in your company. This check creates transparency and a conscious understanding of the concept of the circular economy in your organisation. It not only uncovers strengths and weaknesses, but also identifies previously untapped potential.
The Circularity Readiness Check is an interactive tool that specifically provides management with an overview of the current perception of the circular economy in your company.
By using the CRC, sustainable measures for your product lines and business processes are identified. These targeted measures help your management to identify those areas of your business that have a particularly high potential for implementing circular principles - both environmentally and economically.
The Circularity Readiness Check was developed and carried out in cooperation with the process consultancy Lean & Green. This partnership approach ensures that you benefit from pooled expertise and comprehensive know-how.
The Circularity Readiness Check not only offers you an inventory, but also lays the foundation for a future-oriented, circular economy orientation of your company. Discover your potential, identify sustainable paths and let us master the challenges of the sustainability turnaround together.
Your benefits
Increases transparency and strengthens cohesion between management and workers.
Staff members develop and foster their awareness of circularity and sustainability.
Employees proactively shape the processes and develop company values.
Get ready to start on the path to a sustainable future.
Our methodology is a system-level approach, covering the full value chain of your business products and services and combining interdisciplinary knowledge to look at economic, social, and environmental dimensions of circular economy. These targeted measures help your management to identify those areas of your business that have a particularly high potential for implementing circular principles - environmentally, socially, and economically.
Our approach
Project Kick-Off
Presentation & communication of the CRC in the company as well as setting up the project plan.
Presentation of results
Presentation of specific recommendations for action and involvement of the employees.
Interviews & Surveys
Conducting interviews on circular economy initiatives & sending out an employee questionnaire.
Feeling motivated? Welcome to CRC Light!
We believe that every step of customer service should be interactive, transparent, and impactful so our valued customers can make informed decisions about their sustainability transitions. In line with this, we proudly present to you a light version of our CRC Toolkit Methodology, free of cost and accessible to you 24/7 for a limited period of time.
This short, 10 step survey is a teaser for the many areas of circular economy that we will be analysing in-depth during our full-version of CRC Methodology. To make the CRC Light survey even more meaningful, we will be sending you an analysis report after submission of your response via email to serve as a starting point for our discussion on what to do next to make your organisation more circular in an economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable way.
Did the CRC Light motivate you to reflect upon building the foundation for a future-oriented, circular economy orientation of your company? Then you are ready to discover your sustainability potential and to master the challenges of the sustainability turnaround together.
Contact us!
Benjamin Frahndl
Benjamin is a member of the Thinkubator board and lead of the CRC offering. Due to his previous work experience in management consultancies, Benjamin Frahndl has extensive experience in areas such as project management, strategy development and transformation.